Céad Mile Fáilte! (One Hundred Thousand Welcomes)!When your last name is Shanahan (and you marry into a very Irishfamily) you have no choice but to embrace St. Patrick’s Day! For severalyears, at Avail, we would run a contest called “Shanahan ShamrockDays” - a fun Irish trivia game that would run for a week leading up to St.Patrick’s Day. It was mostly geared toward the hard-working dentalstudents at U of A & U of S. It was great fun and we loved interactingwith the students.This year we ran short on time and weren’t able to do our ShanahanShamrock days, but you just might be one of the lucky ones whoreceives a delivery of Shamrock shakes from one of the Availleprechauns this year!It’s hard to believe we’re in mid-march already, and yet it feels like we’vebeen running full-tilt since January 4th. There is lots of activity in themarket, all across Western Canada right now. As everyone begins to seethe hope of an endemic as the pandemic winds down, it seems there ismore interest than ever in clinic purchases. And to add intrigue to thesituation, the DSO question is a little less stable than in previous years. What does it all mean? Give me a call and I’ll lay it all out for you and foryour situation.In the meantime, as the rush continues, let me offer an Irish blessing forall of us;May your pockets be heavy,And your heart be light.May Good Luck pursue youEach morning and night!Sláinte!Page 6 - Ask The Expert: Are DSOs Struggling?Page 9: How To Make Your Dental Practice More Attractive To BuyersPage 15: The Question Everyone Is Still AskingPage 17: The Dental Desk Is One Year OldCEO's MessageLooking For Featured Practice Listings?www.AvailDentalAdvice.comTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 2Founder, CEOAvail Dental Exit Advisory ServicesD A R R E N S H A N A H A NAvail Dental has been a trustedresource in the dental industry since 2012.CLICK HERE
The Best Things Happen In Palm SpringsThe event took place at the resort-stylehotel Margaritaville Palm Springs. Wehad morning yoga and meditationwalks, trust exercises, lunch andlearns, round table discussions,‘SMART’ program tips, modern daydentistry tools presentation, guideddiscussions about passion in dentistryand growth potential in business andpersonal areas. We learned aboutposture and breathing, especially forthose offering dental care, andacupressure points to help reducerepetitive stress injuries. We practicedmindfulness, gratitude and stress-reduction tools. All of this was packedinto our day time programs.HEALTH & WELLNESS SUMMIT IN PALM SPRINGSbyYvette ShanahanWhat do a Health and Wellness Winter Escape and an Avail Team Summithave in common? Well, they both took place recently in beautiful PalmSprings California and they were both resounding successes!As I recap and assess the Health and Wellness Winter Escape, I amoverwhelmingly proud of the event we produced. We endeavoured to createan event which focused on providing Health and Wellness tools for dentalprofessionals. We also offered some technical presentations which helpedput focus on the health and wellness of dental practices. The result, was anintimate and well-balanced 3 day interactive and educational winterescape.The winter escape was exactly what weneeded...RECONNECTING WITH WHAT MATTERSwww.AvailDentalAdvice.comTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 3
Health Wellness Winter Escape For The Dental Professional s Mind Body Practice CE SESSIONS IN PALM SPRINGS Avail Dental Exit Advisory Services Meeting of The Minds February 2023 In three brief days we learned we laughed we explored we shared and we grew In free time we explored beautiful Palm Springs We attended Thursday evening Villagefest took hotel provided bike rides ventured out on hikes and to the golf course We soaked up the sun and watched the palm trees sway sampled local restaurant fare experienced a guided wine tasting gathered around the hotel fire pits relaxed in hot tubs and swam in heated pools We celebrated at the lounge shared coffees at the coffee shop and we shared our teams and families with one another strengthening relationships and building friendships I am so excited to build from this experience We are already curating next year s event which promises to offer even more to attendees It will be in Palm Springs and it will be at Margaritaville the campfire s mores are enough to bring me back but the service and quality of their food atmosphere comfy beds and gorgeous grounds are well worth the time spent And the presentations we are putting together are from the best minds and hearts in the business
Our Avail Team Summit was the first of its kind and it took placeright after the Health and Wellness conference. The atmospherewas electric and our team is fully ignited. We enjoyed some ground-breaking business development and strategy sessions (along with alittle fun and celebratory dinners). The end result was some excitingnew ideas which will be announced in the coming weeks! Just knowthat the team at Avail is ready to help and serve in a variety ofcapacities.So, I don’t know if the best things happen only in Palm Springs butwhen you hear your friends and colleagues raving about the eventthey recently attended, you can bet ‘It’s a Palm Springs Thing’! And,next year, you can be part of it too!THE BEST THINGS HAPPEN IN PALM SPRINGS CONTINUED
Ask The Expert:D E N T A L I N D U S T R Yby Darren ShanahanFounder & CEO of Avail Dental Exit Advisory Services & has been in theindustry for more than 10 years.Are DSOs Struggling?www.AvailDentalAdvice.comTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 6
Over the last several months we’ve been receiving some questions from the dentalcommunity. Our experience in brokering and appraising hundreds and hundreds ofpractices has made us a natural place for professionals to turn with theirquestions. We realized that several people had the same questions and so wethought this might make a great forum for people to ask their questionsanonymously and receive their answers. Therefore, ‘Ask the Expert’ was created.Please feel free to send us an email with your questions I’m hearing rumours about DSO’s struggling. What doesthis mean to my clinic? Does it mean that DSO’s aren’t buyingpractices anymore?Answer: While it’s true that some DSO’s are struggling in certainareas, for certain reasons (some of which are public and some ofwhich are not) it does not mean that DSO’s are going away. Some are liquidating stock and/or clinics in specific areas so thatthey may put stronger focus on other areas. What this does mean isthat the DSO world is in a bit of a state of flux. We have seenofferings both rise and fall in the past few months, based on aclinics location and profitability. The bottom line is that DSO’s aremuch like any other buyer right now. If the clinic suits their needthen they will likely put forward an offer (whether solicited or not).However, we may see a noticeable difference in the multiples beingoffered. That said, there are always new DSO’s popping up in variouslocations which continues to change the landscape in this industry.CANDID COMMENTARY ON PRACTICE VALUATIONASK THE EXPERTThe "COVID Effect" On Your Practice:Call Us To Learn More.In order to prepare for the future,In order to prepare for the future, you must consider the must consider the past. We can help.We can help. 1-866-Go-Avail1-866-Go-Avail ((1-866-462-82451-866-462-8245))
Question: I purchased my clinic in a private sale several years agowithout using a valuation. I have no interest in selling right now,but someone suggested I get a valuation done to betterunderstand the current market value of my clinic. Is this reallynecessary?Answer: The short answer is Yes - but there’s more to it than that.Your dental clinic is an asset like your investment portfolio, butwith one main difference; your financial advisor will email, text orcall to advise you of your value with your investment portfolio. Foryour properties, you are mailed every year a city or townshipassessment, which is a reasonable guiding light on the value ofyour property. Since there is no way to easily determine the value of yourpractice/asset (such as listed above) you would be wise toengage a valuation specialist to determine whether your assethas increased in value or decreased in value. That being said, afull valuation may not be necessary. You could consider a benchmark review which would provide akey market analysis and a measurement of your key practiceindicators. Doing this regularly allows you to monitor the valueand implement a plan to increase the value, if necessary. This isalso important information to have for disaster planningpurposes.THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 8ASK THE EXPERT CON'T:Question: I recently attended a seminaron the importance of digital and socialmarketing. Honestly, this is not somethingI am comfortable with. In your experience,have you observed a difference in clinicvalues that use digital / social marketingover traditional radio or billboard ads?Answer: Honestly, yes - I have seen thedifference. Radio ads are incrediblyexpensive and tend to be less effective atdriving new business. Good websites andsocial media presence place you directlyin front of potential new patients.Additionally, good websites and socialmedia presence can increase your googlesearch rankings. It may appear to be avanity based marketing strategy but itreally does translate into new businessand patient retention. My suggestionwould be to invest in a digital marketingspecialist to get you started, and thencontinue it with an enthusiastic staffmember. We all know the importance of agood first impression with a lovely smile -consider this the best first impressionwith the beautiful smile of your clinic forall to see.
Buyers are not only interested inyour revenue, margins, costs, etc.They’ll want to know: Will it bepossible to re-create your successafter you leave? Does your dentalpractice have too much exposure ifsomething goes wrong?You may not immediately connectrisk with your valuation, but yourbuyer will.15 considerations to help youmaximize the value of yourpractice1. Clarify your price strategyYou may have some patients whoare loyal or are personalconnections who receive free ordiscounted treatments. Thispractice is acceptable inmoderation — many dentists do it.But acquirers will scrutinize theimpact in the due diligence processbecause they want to strike the H O W T O M A K E Y O U R D E N T A L P R A C T I C E M O R E A T T R A C T I V E T O P O T E N T I A L B U Y E R S BY ARIANE BA BINIf you own a dental practice and arebeginning to think about selling thebusiness, potential buyers will lookclosely at your financial andoperational successes andshortcomings in the due diligenceprocess. You may not even realizewhat elements of your practice willattract buyers, and which will bered flags that may push them away,or drive the price down.When looking to maximize thefinancial return you can obtain in asale, your first instinct will probablybe to increase revenue and cutexpenses. And yes, of course,those elements like revenue, costs,and profitability are essential —they should be the first thing youlook at. However, receiving the bestvalue in a sale means you have tolook beyond the basics. Considerquestions such as: What are theinputs that drive your revenues andexpenses, and are they in your control? What are the risk factorsbuyers will care about whendetermining their price?Risk factor analysis — The centralequation in selling your dentalpracticeThe financial valuation of yourdental practice can’t be determinedby industry averages, or byobserving what your competitordown the street sold their practicefor. Your practice is only worthwhat a buyer is willing to pay for it.What buyers are willing to pay islargely determined by risk factoranalysis.This simple formula should alwaysbe front-of-mind when preparing tosell: The higher the risk of not beingable to replicate or sustain yourpractice’s success, the lower theprice you should expect to get frombuyers.
appropriate balance between bringing in revenue and not losing loyal patients. Be mindful that theexpectations you set now will continue after you sell your practice.2. Reduce treatment do-oversSome do-overs are inevitable, but each time you need to re-do a treatment you are leaving money on the table.Purchasers will see it as positive if your number of treatment do-overs gradually declines in the years leadingup to your sale. Look at the data: if you notice mistakes are disproportionately coming from one dentist, takethe time to mentor and train.3. Persevere through recruitment and retention challengesIt’s tough to find qualified and talented hygienists, certified dental assistants and receptionists, etc. in anyenvironment, much less the one you’ve been navigating for the past few years. Don’t give up hope; even ifyou’ve been looking for some time with no success, the fact that you’re invested in replenishing your teamreflects well in the eyes of a purchaser.Losing people often means losing revenue, which will reflect negatively on your financial statements. But ifyou can demonstrate that it’s a momentary, non-recurring trend, you can “normalize” the financial statementsaccordingly.4. Understand the implications of your leaseIf you plan to sell your entire practice, your lease agreement needs to cover the entire financing period(typically 10 years). Even if your practice is wildly successful, your acquirers won’t be able to get financingfrom the bank without the ability to continue or renew the lease.A lease that is expiring in the near future (e.g., your building is up for sale), poses a risk that the buyer willneed to move the practice elsewhere, which is burdensome and expensive and may result in losing patients.This will almost surely drive the price down.HOW TO MAKE YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS CON'TTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE |
However, the opposite is true in a goodwill-only sale, in which you’re called upon to move your practice andpatient files to a nearby clinic. In these instances, you will benefit from having a lease that expires in the nearfuture. The buyer will not be willing to wait four or five years to take over after they’ve paid and moved in. Oneor two years is much more palatable.5. Make sensible investments in technologyYour practice doesn’t need to be a modern utopia with the latest software and AI tools. But you should lookinto technology to the degree it will help you improve the patient and employee experience. Simple financial oradministrative process automations can also reduce labour costs and help you manage the ongoing labourshortage. If you’re considering making investments in technology, you can look into current governmentgrants available for this purpose, including interest-free loans.If you plan to invest in new technology, give yourself a few years of lead time before your sell date so buyerscan see the impact it’s had. Installing new technology immediately before selling could look like it wascompleted only for the optics. The buyer will have no way of knowing whether the investment will pay off or ifit’s worth the increased purchase price.6. Streamline your procurement and material costsThis is particularly important if you run a practice with multiple practitioners or co-owners. There is far morepotential for waste to inflate your materials costs if each has their own preference on what materials to use.For example, if each dentist chooses to procure a different brand of cement, more tubes will likely dry upbefore being used completely. Buyers pay attention to these discretionary costs and will be drawn toefficiency.7. Look at your contracts with partners and junior dentistsEnsure you have non-compete and no-solicitation clauses in your contracts with the other dentists you workwith. This is particularly important if your clinic operates in a major centre with a lot of competition. Not onlywill it protect you from having team members recruited out of your practice, but it can also improve yourvaluation by signalling to a buyer that their labour situation will be stable.HOW TO MAKE YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS CON'T
8. Review your ratios of new versus returning patientsUnder normal circumstances, a successful dental practice should have between 1,200 – 1,500 active files perfull-time dentist. Your ratio of new versus returning patients will depend on your circumstances.Dentists in remote areas can have upwards of 4,000 active patient files and waiting lists stretching a year orlonger. In this case, it wouldn’t be cause for concern if a buyer sees a small ratio of new patients because it’sclearly a capacity issue. However, these dynamics change in a major urban centre with more competition —patient files will naturally have less longevity, so a buyer will look for a stronger inflow of new patient files tocompensate for higher turnover.The natural erosion of patient files will occur everywhere, urban or remote; you can’t control factors likepatients moving, passing away, or visiting your office less during tough economic cycles. But as youdemonstrate you can constantly replace closed patient files with new ones, your practice’s value will remainstrong.9. Review your patient files by ageHaving healthy age demographics is attractive to purchasers who will want to maintain your practice’sperformance. Buyers will perceive risk if most of your patients are at an advanced age, without new youngerpatient files coming in. The opposite is also undesirable: If the vast majority of your patients are young, buyersmay begin to ask questions about why patients are not sticking around for longer. The most lucrativetreatment plans are typically for patients aged 40-60.10. Mentor your replacementTalent is a precious commodity in the dental industry. It’s not all together common to mentor yourreplacement and it takes a long time to nurture that relationship. The pipeline of talent, especially the kind thatcould potentially take over when you retire, is therefore a risk factor purchasers will consider closely. If yourpractice’s competitive advantage is based on your own individual speed and skill, and you leave your practicewithout star performer to take your place, the value of your practice will drop post-sale.Take the time to find and mentor your replacement. Show prospective buyers that you have a plan to replaceyour individual talents.HOW TO MAKE YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS CON'T
11. Be prudent in improving your physical spaceRenovations to your clinic can only be considered an investment if they yield adequate returns that justify theamount spent. Where some dentists run into problems is when improving their space turns into a cost-intensive vanity project. Simple and functional spaces that are in good repair are more important to mostbuyers than gracing the cover of Architectural Digest.12. Educate your patients and set expectationsNew owners may want to change existing processes or offer new treatments. They may also bring on dentistsor hygienists who rely on different techniques and technologies than your patients are used to. All thesechanges can make your patients apprehensive and cause an exodus if not managed carefully.Obviously, your patients will be more inclined to trust a new practitioner if you make the introductionpersonally and endorse their skills and professionalism. However, in a typical acquisition, most of the patientre-education process falls on the new owner and happens post-sale.Some purchase agreements contain a clause that a portion of the sale price will be conditional on the futureearnings of the dental practice. In these instances, the selling practitioner may be more motivated to take ahands-on approach to educating patients, because the practice’s success becomes easier to replicate.13. Time your sale correctlyAt some point in your dental career you’ll probably decide to slow down, take more vacation time, see familymore often, work fewer days per week. This is a normal part of your practice’s lifecycle, especially if you’reapproaching retirement, but it will inherently lead to decreased revenue. The timing of when you slow down,paired with when you signal your desire to sell, can have a large impact on your valuation.The better approach is to sell at your highest point — when you’re starting to think about slowing down. Youcan start to reduce your hours after the transaction is agreed upon, and if appropriate, remain practicing at aslower pace for a few years while you complete the goodwill transfer.14. Optimize the resources you already haveWhile you may be inclined to expand and grow in preparation for the sale of your clinic, remember that whatwill truly attract buyers, and those who lend to them, is value. If you expand too aggressively before selling, it’shard to get good value for your goodwill because your debt servicing costs will be too high.HOW TO MAKE YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS CON'T
If you’re inclined to increase revenue by acquiring more space, more equipment rooms, and more staff, firstask yourself if you can improve your margins by optimizing what you already have. Can you get more out ofeach equipment room by changing the hours you’re open? Can you do more with the staff you currently haveby changing schedules, rather than bringing in a new hire?This doesn’t mean your initial instinct to acquire more space and more staff was incorrect, but always look atoptimizing first. There are specialized consultants who can help you find new efficiencies and run a leanoperation that will be attractive to buyers.15. Speak with your accountant regularlyToo many dentists only meet with their accountant several months after the end of their fiscal year. By thatpoint, it’s much more difficult to make adjustments that will improve your practice’s financial health, or get itback on track if you had a tough financial year.The more prudent approach is to converse regularly with your accountant so you can adjust course early andoften if you need to. Prospective buyers will look closely at your financials — you’ll be better prepared to sellif you’re doing the same. Succession is a process, not an eventAs you put in the work to ensure your practice is profitable, cost-sensitive, and most importantly, easy fornew ownership to replicate, you’ll see the highest return when the time comes to sell. Staging the businessfor sale starts the day you hang your shingle. Your dental practice represents the culmination of your life’swork, and you deserve the highest possible return for it.HOW TO MAKE YOUR DENTAL PRACTICE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO BUYERS CON'TTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 14www.AvailDentalAdvice.comArticle provided by:
The reality is that this individual didnot understand that yes thelandscape has changed … andchanged … and changed again! Andit changes on an almost daily basis.Some larger DSO’s haveexperienced ‘turbulence’ in theirworld and those enormous offersand quick sales are becomingfewer and fewer. Smaller DSO’s areemerging and cap rates arestabilizing. Some private buyers arecoming with cash offers and easytransitions, and some privatebuyers need more financingguarantees and longer transitions.So, given all of this information,What’s The Big Deal?Another thing I often hear is that, ‘ifall else fails I can always go withcorporate.’ There is definitely amisconception that DSO’s are outthere hungry for every single dentalpractice that exists. T H E Q U E S T I O N E V E R Y O N E I S S T I L L A S K I N G : ‘ W H A T ’ S T H E B I G D E A L ’ ?C O R P O R A T E , L E G A C Y A N D P R I V A T E S A L E S BY DARREN SHANAHANThere certainly is a lot of talk aboutpractice sales. Most of the talkingbegins with “I hear that …” whichdoesn’t give the impression of wellresearched, factual information.That’s not to say that one personsharing their experience isn’tfactual, but there are so manyconfidentiality factors that evensharing personal experience hasimpactful details omitted. The endresult is that there can be a greatdeal of misinformation surroundingpractice sales circulating out there.One great example of this is withregards to DSO’s - and the hugemoney associated with those sales.The truth of the matter is that salesto DSO’s are extremely complexand have many mitigating factors.Rumors swirl around percentage ofgross revenues and earningmultiples, however, unless you have all of the facts and details it isimpossible to compare someoneelse’s corporate sale against yourpractice. And don’t forget thetransition factor which is vastlydifferent for each person and theircircumstances.In a recent discussion with a dentalprofessional, I was told that I didn’trealize how much DSO’s hadchanged the landscape of dentaldeals. Unfortunately for thisindividual, they weregathering their informationfrom a DSO offer that hadbeen made more than 5years ago.
In actuality, not all practices are attractive or suitable for a DSO’s needs. There are certain factors that makesome practices more suitable for DSO’s (whether it’s a small, medium or large DSO) than others.There are also misconceptions about private sales and legacy sales, and the belief that these sales cannotcompare monetarily to corporate sales. Again, this is simply not true. Because of all of the above mentionedfactors, private and legacy sales can be equally valuable as compared to a corporate sale. There are manyprivate buyers out there that are clamoring for the opportunity to own and who are willing and able to purchaseat, or above, the accurately appraised value.Of course, every owner has different personal needs that factor into a sale. Things like transition period,building ownership, personal community ties, investing in the next generation of dentists, etc etc all playimportant roles in any sale. Sometimes it may be difficult to place an actual monetary value on some of thesepieces - as they may be invaluable to each individual.The bottom line is that if you are considering any type of sale - if you want to know ‘what’s the big deal’ for youpersonally, then it is worth your while to contact a transition specialist who can give you the straight goods,can go over all of your options and the differences they make to your personal picture. As I mentioned, earlier, the landscape of sales is changing almost daily. Contact me if you would like to gain abetter understanding of “What’s The Big Deal” in your area in Canada.'WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL' CONTINUEDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 10www.AvailDentalAdvice.comCall Us Today!
Morgan Minkus, our listingassistant (affectionately known asour Lordess of Listings) and ournewest team member AdrianneMcEwan is our executive assistant(and is affectionately known as ourWizard of Wonder) - these peopleare our dream team!Our regional representatives are atalented array of brilliant minds andbeautiful hearts. Our reps will oftencontribute insightful articles to ourDental Desk magazine. JessieMcCracken, an accomplishedbusiness owner - YEGPro Realty -along with Sara Trenn (conqueringthe real estate world and recentlywelcoming her second baby intothe world) and her husband AndrewJones (retired CFL all-star andInsurance genius) are ourEdmonton area team. Continued on next page.T H E D E N T A L D E S K I S O N E Y E A R O L DBY YVETTE SHANAHANIt feels like just yesterday that wemade the decision to launch ourdigital magazine ‘The Dental Desk’.The past year has been a whirlwindof writing articles, receiving articlesubmissions from industry partnersand watching our readership growand expand!Gratitude is a common theme forus this year, and our digitalmagazine is another area we arecompelled to share our deepgratitude. We are so grateful for themany hands and minds it takes toproduce The Dental Desk, and weare so grateful for the manycontributors and for the dedicatedreadership. A project like this doesnot happen without the cooperationand collaboration of many.We could not do this without thebrilliant mind and hard work of ourmarketing strategist SherriBeauchamp from GratitudeConsulting. Sherri has been working with ourteam for many years and shecontinues to source out new andinnovative ways to promote ourteam and our business offering. Weoften joke that Sherri has to dragthese 2 dinosaurs into the newdigital world - but she is alwaysright (just don’t tell her that, ha ha)!We have the best in-house teamconstantly striving to be moreknowledgable and to provide betterservice. They push us to be betterand their desire to learn and growoften becomes the foundation forarticles. Jen Larocque, our appraisalproduction manager (affectionatelyknown as the Princess ofProduction), Logan Reynolds, ourappraisal production and socialmedia manager (affectionatelyknown as our Sorcerer of Socials),
They cover Edmonton and northern Alberta, and we keep them very busy! Lèo Morrison, a top Saskatchewan realtor andAngi McGarry, recently retired from corrections services, make up our Saskatchewan team. They travel far and wide toprovide timely service for our ever-growing list of Saskatchewan clients! Corinne Mark, co-owner of Strategix Consulting Ltd (dental and orthodontic practice performance experts) is our newBritish Columbia rep. Corinne’s warm personality and in-depth knowledge of the dental landscape make her a prefect fitwith our team. And, the incomparable Lori William, co-owner of Strategix Consulting Ltd, is our national ortho rep. Lori isa foremost authority in the world of ortho practices and she is a passionate and accomplished business woman. Wehave gratitude in spades for these amazing people and their contributions to both Avail - and The Dental Desk!And so, as we celebrate this one year anniversary of The Dental Desk, we hope you can feel our pride and appreciation.We will continue to work diligently to provide something of value to the dental community and our industry partners. Ifyou are interested in contributing to our digital magazine, please contact us. We welcome your articles, advertisementsand insights.THE DENTAL DESK IS ONE YEAR OLDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE |
Darren Shanahan,Darren Shanahan,CEO & FounderCEO & FounderNEW: Corinne MarkNEW: Corinne MarkLéoLéo MorrisonMorrisonAngiAngiMcGarryMcGarryMEET THE TEAM AT AVAIL:Western Canada's Leading Dental BrokerJessie McCrackenAndrewJonesSaraSaraTrennTrennComing Soon!Coming Soon!LoriLori WilliamWilliam National Ortho RepNational Ortho Rep1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245)
OUR FEATURED LISTINGSNew Listing Edmonton Practice Ref#1722Location: Edmonton (South East), Retail Strip-mall, Street level Ops: 6Gross production: $1,061,167Net income after all doctors’ fees Ave $238,295 (22.46% ROI)Value: $1.35MHygiene production: 40.7%RDH: 1.0 (FTE)Digital charts and Intra oral X-ray/Pan by Darren ShanahanCall For DetailsCall For DetailsTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE |
OUR CURRENT LISTINGS by Darren ShanahanGeneral Plus Real EstateRural West of Edmonton(Ref #1717)$1,794,829$799,148General PracticeRural East of Edmonton(Ref #1712)Gross Income:Clinic Type:THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE | 21#of Ops:77QUESTIONS ABOUT LISTINGS?Call/Text Darren Founder & OwnerCell: 403.862.7406Contact Darren Shanahan for further details on all of our current listings.$1,069,208 + Real Estate$2,412,864Listing Price:www.AvailDentalAdvice.comGeneral PracticeSaskatchewan Rural(Ref #1392)8$1,250,000$1,300,000Gross Income:
YOUR TRUSTED INDUSTRY PARTNERDid you know that for over 2 decades, our Founder, Darren Shanahan, has been in thedental industry as the "go-to" for other industry professionals and leaders? Every phone call that comes into our office is about a dental or healthcare clinic. We don't work in any other industry.We provide owners with a "firewall" to protect them from all of the pitfalls we know are out there throughout a transaction because we know how to prepare the deal and navigate the waters. We're here for you.Meet Our TeamDarren ShanahanCEO & FounderYvette ShanahanCo-FounderLogan ReynoldsTransaction SpecialistJennifer LarocqueTransaction ManagerMorgan MinkusTransaction SpecialistQuestions?Call 1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245) orvisit:
THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINEB Y A V A I L D E N T A L E X I T A D V I S O R Y S E R V I C E SThe Dental Desk Magazine runs on a monthly basis to keepstakeholders in the dental industry in the loop.Avail Dental Exit Advisory ServicesProudly Serving Western Canada (Alberta,B.C. & Saskatchewan)1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245)www.AvailDentalAdvice.comApril 2023 Come back for Issue #11 which will reveal Spring trendsand what to expect for Summer.