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The Dental Desk - Issue #17

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W H A T T O E X P E C T I N 2 0 2 4R E S O L U T I O N O RR E V O L U T I O NT H EF R O M W E S T E R N C A N A D A ' SL E A D I N G D E N T A L B R O K E RM A G A Z I N EI S S U E # 1 7 • J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4D S O ’ S G A M EC H A N G E R O R J U S TA N O T H E R P L A Y E RL I S T I N G S O N P A G E 1 4

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Page 4 - Ask The Expert:What To Expect In 2024Page 7 - DSO’s GameChanger or Just AnotherPlayerPage 10 - LeveragingDirect CandidateSourcing & ATS ForEffective HiringPage 12: Resolution orRevolutionPage 16: The 6 PredictedDentistry Trends To LookOut For In 2024Page 19: The Business ofDentistry Has ChangedDear Readers,Happy New Year! Another year has gone by so quickly and there is somuch happening around the globe! So many economic factors that wehave all been through over the past 4 years. There are always externalinfluences that will affect our businesses - and we run a business justlike many of you so we feel the external effects with everything fromstaffing to market impacts, and the adjustments that need to be made. The big lesson seems to be that we need to be nimble in our business,to adjust on the fly, and we need to bend with the market to keep ourbusiness viable. Not falling into complacency might the best defensein changing economic times. We must keep our eyes open and we must stop to check ourbusinesses regularly to make sure you are still on track, still viable, andare generating profit. I know we are not all ‘in this for the money’however, if you own a business and plan to sell it someday (and, likeus, rely on it for your daily income) these are lessons you can’t affordto ignore in 2024. We all fall into this trap of assuming that our business is safe anddoing well, but unless we do regular checkups we won’t really know. Make sure you do your annual business physical each year to makesure your business is still healthy. 2024 is the year of ‘taking care ofbusiness’ - and if you need help knowing what to do, just call us and wewill guide you through this important business checkup.CEO's MessageLooking ForFeatured Practice Listings?www.AvailDentalAdvice.comTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 2Founder, CEOAvail Dental Exit Advisory ServicesD A R R E N S H A N A H A NCLICK HERE

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January is a funny month. Not funny ha-ha but funny strange.It’s a month that feels like a roller coaster high for 2 or 3 daysand then feels like a sad, slow, long march through time.January. Thirty-one days of little sun and cold. Home of ‘BlueMonday’ - the most depressing day of the year (and the 3rdMonday in every January).At this time of year, I often hear the Mamas and Papas hit rollingaround in my mind. I am indeed, ‘California Dreamin’.If you are looking for a way to beat the winter blues, up your self-care game and earn CE Credits then I have just the thing for you!Register now for the Health and Wellness Winter Escape in PalmSprings California!Your California Dreamin’ can become a beautiful, soul-refreshing reality!Reserve Your Tickets Now!ORTuesday, 20 Feb 2024 (Start)Saturday, 24 Feb 2024 (End)Margaritaville Resort Palm SpringsPalm Springs, CA January is a funny month. Not funny ha-ha but funny strange.It’s a month that feels like a roller coaster high for 2 or 3 daysand then feels like a sad, slow, long march through time.January. Thirty-one days of little sun and cold. Home of ‘BlueMonday’ - the most depressing day of the year (and the 3rdMonday in every January).At this time of year, I often hear the Mamas and Papas hit rollingaround in my mind. I am indeed, ‘California Dreamin’.If you are looking for a way to beat the winter blues, up your self-care game and earn CE Credits then I have just the thing for you!Register now for the Health and Wellness Winter Escape in PalmSprings California!Your California Dreamin’ can become a beautiful, soul-refreshing reality!Reserve Your Tickets Now!ORTuesday, 20 Feb 2024 (Start)Saturday, 24 Feb 2024 (End)Margaritaville Resort Palm SpringsPalm Springs, CA California Dreaming

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Ask The Expert:D E N T A L I N D U S T R Yby Darren ShanahanFounder & CEO of Avail Dental ExitAdvisory Services & has been in theindustry for more than 10 years.What’s To Come In 2024www.AvailDentalAdvice.comTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 4

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Over the last several months we’ve been receiving some questions from the dentalcommunity. Our experience in brokering and appraising hundreds and hundreds ofpractices has made us a natural place for professionals to turn with theirquestions. We realized that several people had the same questions and so wethought this might make a great forum for people to ask their questionsanonymously and receive their answers. Therefore, ‘Ask the Expert’ was created.Please feel free to send us an email with your questions I’m hearing that ‘corps’ are not as active in themarketplace. Is this really happening and, if so, why?Answer: This is a very complex question. While it is true that DSO’sare behind more cautiously in their acquisitions it does not meanthat they are not active, and it certainly does not mean that they aregoing away. However, the current economic landscape and higherinterest rates have rippled into the DSO stratosphere causing themto proceed cautiously and protect their assets. What this has done iscreate more opportunities in the marketplace for buyers to submitcompetitive offers.Question: I’m considering ownership down the road (not in the nextyear). I’m a relatively new grad and I’ve never gone through thepurchase of a clinic. When should I start looking and what can I doto better prepare myself for a clinic purchase?Answer: Thank you for this great question! I’m a big believer in thephilosophy that you can never be ‘too prepared’. I encourage you tocontact a broker (as you have just done) and engage in someconversations about purchasing. I’m happy to share the steps of aclinic acquisition and the expectations of both buyers and sellers inthe marketplace. Additionally, you should consult your advisors(bankers, lawyers, accountants) to ensure you are taking the beststeps towards ownership. Finally, don’t be afraid to start looking atwhat is available now. You never know when the right opportunitymay become available.CANDID COMMENTARY ON PRACTICE VALUATIONASK THE EXPERTNeed some personalized,confidential advice?Book A Call With Darren.Book A Call With Darren.We can help.We can

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Question: I’m trying to ‘break-in’ to a specific prairie market but it seems like the veryfew sales in this place always go to DSO’s. How can I break into this market?Answer: This is a pretty complicated scenario. There is a certain market where DSO’shave a very strong foothold. Where nationally DSO’s own less than 10% of all clinics, inthis unique market the DSO footprint hovers closer 30%. Hopefully you are alreadyworking in this marketplace, and in this case the best advice I can give is tocommunicate your hopes and intentions with clinic owners. Join study clubs and shareyour goals. Be sure to fully communicate that your offer can be competitive with a DSOoffer and may have added benefits beyond what a DSO can provide.THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 6ASK THE EXPERT CON'T:Question: I plan to attend the Health and Wellness conference in February 2024. I amthe spouse of the doctor but I am also employed at the clinic. Should I register as a‘spouse’ or as a ‘team member’?Answer: Thanks for this question and I’m looking forward to meeting you in PalmSprings. The big difference between the ‘spouse’ package and the ‘team member’package is the awarding of CE credits. Spouses are welcome to enjoy all meals offeredand are, also, welcome to attend all courses and seminars but not required. Thereforespouses may join for breakfast and/or lunch, try out the yoga and keynote speakers butchoose to forgo the more technical presentations. Team members (with a governingbody that requires continuing education) are required to attend the courses andseminars in order to qualify for the CE credits. This is not quite as rigid as it sounds, asteam members are awarded CE points for the seminars which they attend and do notreceive CE points for missed seminars or courses.

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D S O ’ S G A M E C H A N G E R O R J U S T A N O T H E R P L A Y E R ?BY DARREN SHANAHANWell another year has come and gone and with the ever-changing market there are lots of questions stillmilling about out there that we answer on a daily basis. I will attempt to cover most of those here in thisarticle. DSO’s came in quietly some time ago which, for some, might feel like yesterday but DSO’s have actually beenaround for some time. This can be traced back to a dentist in California (Robert F Beauchamp) who started tobuy several clinics back before 1939 when the state invoked legislation that dentists could not own morethen 2 clinics - so he bought 7 quickly! Since then many DSO’s have come and gone (and some have comeback) but they have been a part of the market for many years and just change based on their model, thedental environment, and the economy. DSO’s have changed the face of dental deals, for sure, to the largest extent over the last 10 years whichmakes them the talk of the town. We hear a lot of “we will just wait and sell to a corporation when we areready”. This might be a nice thought to “cash in”, but what if a DSO isn’t interested in your practice? We haveseen, with rising interest rates, the differential between what a DSO can and will pay for your practice shrink,so now private buyers are able to pay closer to the overall number compared to a DSO purchase. They are twovery different deals but we cover that in other articles so I won’t go into that here. 2023 was a slow-down year for all buyers including DSO’s as they seek to make sure the practice is the rightfit and cash is spent wisely. They are also continuing to change the type of practice/deal they are looking forand are more particular about who they “partner with” as that is the main part of a DSO deal. They are lookingfor partners to ensure the practice is still successful going forward. By having a partner in the practice thishelps to make sure the top and bottom line of the practice stays or increases. This partnership helps toprotect their investment and if you stay on they want to reward you for that commitment. So some DSO’s arestill able to make the leap to purchase without the commitment period but it is more of the exception than therule. You have to be a specific type of practice for this to make sense for a DSO.THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 7

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Private buyers on the other hand are more nimble in their ability to transition a dentist out earlier (if that is whatthey want) by being able to replace the dentist hours with their own commitment to work. This, for many, is a muchmore attractive solution which is why we still have less then 12% of the Canadian and US markets that are ownedby a DSO of some sort. Private buyers can also give you 100% of your cash up front (so you don’t have to wait forthe the other portion or commit to a long partnership) so this still appeals to many sellers as well. There are also alot of sellers who just want to sell to someone they know and trust, or just keep it a family run practice, and thisalso takes them out of the market for a DSO. So where do we go from here, what do we expect for 2024? Saturation of the market place is a real issue for DSO’sas many of the practices they were after either aren’t ready to sell or did sell over the last 5-10 years. We predictthat the playing field is levelling out this year and with sellers being more educated, about their options, they arepursuing advice on the best option for them. Sellers are looking at all options, private and DSO, to ensure whichmodel fits them better and not just taking the first offer that walks through the door. More sellers are gettingappraisals and representation to gain access to wider options of buyers in order to make the best most educateddecision and have help doing it. The difference can be significant vs the minor cost of this advice andrepresentation. We have seen as high as $1-2M difference with representation deals. Private buyers and smallgroups are also more educated and willing to pay to get the practice they are looking for and less afraid to takethat leap now that rates have settled out.Sellers still have lots of options in 2024 and as rates decrease, as predicted, we expect this to still be the casethrough the year. DSO’s are just another option - just not the only option for your practice sale. DSO’S GAME CHANGER OR JUST ANOTHER PLAYER? CONTINUEDIf you'd like to discuss your practice, give us a confidential call!1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245)

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L E V E R A G I N G D I R E C T C A N D I D A T E S O U R C I N GA N D A T S F O R E F F E C T I V E H I R I N G BY YVETTE SHANAHANIn today's competitive job market, finding the right talent is crucial for business success. While manyemployers turn to social media platforms like Facebook for recruitment, there's a growing trend toward directcandidate sourcing and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Let's explore the benefits of these methods overtraditional social media hiring. 1. Targeted Sourcing: Direct candidate sourcing allows employers to proactively search for candidates who match their specific jobrequirements. Unlike Facebook, where you rely on individuals to respond to your job posts, sourcing lets youfind potential hires based on their qualifications, experience, and skills. This targeted approach saves timeand ensures a higher quality of candidates. 2. Access to Passive Candidates: Not all qualified candidates actively seek new job opportunities. Direct sourcing enables you to connect withpassive candidates – those who are currently employed but open to better offers. Facebook's job postingsmay not reach this untapped talent pool effectively. 3. Quality Over Quantity: While social media platforms often generate a high volume of applications, many of them may not be a goodfit for the position. With an ATS, you can screen applicants, ensuring that only the most qualified candidatesproceed in the hiring process. This reduces the time and effort spent reviewing unqualified applicants. 4. Streamlined Recruitment Process: An ATS streamlines the entire recruitment process, from posting jobs and collecting resumes to schedulinginterviews and making offers. It centralizes candidate data, making it easier for recruiters and hiringmanagers to make informed decisions. Facebook's recruitment process can be more fragmented andmanual. L E V E R A G I N G D I R E C T C A N D I D A T E S O U R C I N GA N D A T S F O R E F F E C T I V E H I R I N G BY MORGAN SYLVAINIn today's competitive job market, finding the right talent is crucial for business success. While manyemployers turn to social media platforms like Facebook for recruitment, there's a growing trend toward directcandidate sourcing and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Let's explore the benefits of these methods overtraditional social media hiring. 1. Targeted Sourcing: Direct candidate sourcing allows employers to proactively search for candidates who match their specific jobrequirements. Unlike Facebook, where you rely on individuals to respond to your job posts, sourcing lets youfind potential hires based on their qualifications, experience, and skills. This targeted approach saves timeand ensures a higher quality of candidates. 2. Access to Passive Candidates: Not all qualified candidates actively seek new job opportunities. Direct sourcing enables you to connect withpassive candidates – those who are currently employed but open to better offers. Facebook's job postingsmay not reach this untapped talent pool effectively. 3. Quality Over Quantity: While social media platforms often generate a high volume of applications, many of them may not be a goodfit for the position. With an ATS, you can screen applicants, ensuring that only the most qualified candidatesproceed in the hiring process. This reduces the time and effort spent reviewing unqualified applicants. 4. Streamlined Recruitment Process: An ATS streamlines the entire recruitment process, from posting jobs and collecting resumes to schedulinginterviews and making offers. It centralizes candidate data, making it easier for recruiters and hiringmanagers to make informed decisions. Facebook's recruitment process can be more fragmented andmanual.

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5. Improved Candidate Experience: Applicant Tracking Systems often provide candidates with a user-friendly application process. They caneasily upload resumes, cover letters, and other documents, making it convenient and efficient. Thiscontributes to a positive candidate experience, which can be crucial for employer branding. 6. Cost-Effective Hiring: While Facebook may require paid promotions to reach a broader audience, an ATS often provides more cost-effective hiring solutions. The ability to find and manage candidates efficiently can save both time andmoney in the long run. In summary, while Facebook and other social media platforms can be useful for recruitment, they may notoffer the same level of control, efficiency, and quality that direct candidate sourcing and ATS systemsprovide. By investing in these tools, businesses can optimize their hiring processes, attract top talent, andultimately gain a competitive edge in the talent market. LEVERAGING DIRECT CANDIDATE SOURCING AND ATS FOREFFECTIVE HIRING CONTINUEDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 11www.AvailDentalAdvice.comReserve Your Tickets Now!OR

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R E S O L U T I O N O R R E V O L U T I O N ?T H E P R E S S U R E S A N D O P P O R T U N I T I E S O F J A N U A R Y .BY YVETTE SHANAHANUgh. First day ‘back to work’. My body aches for the comfort of my warm bed and a luxurious sleep-in. Mysoul yearns for the joy, the fun, the excitement and the peace of mid-late December. The alarm clock reminds me that it is January and an overflowing in-box nudges, pokes and prods me intothe New Year.Okay, honestly, I may have had one little sleep-in over the holidays and while there was joy, fun, andexcitement - peace was a little harder to find. The holidays often bring about stress, anxiety, worry andfeelings of inadequacy. For some reason December brings an expectation that we’ll all be totally contentwith ourselves, our bodies, our families and our careers. Peace. Then - bang! - in January we are expected to make resolutions to better all of things we were supposed tobe content with in December!So let’s talk ‘resolutions’. Do you make them? Do you set lofty goals, or rush out to buy gym membershipsand fitness equipment? Do you engage in a cleanse or declare all-out war on your body, your eating habits,your fitness habits etc etc?A few years ago I started to refer to New Year’s resolutions as revolutions. The very peace I worked so hardto find in December was thrown out January 1st for things like; ‘This year I will eat more Kale’ or ‘This year Iwill lose weight’ or ‘This year I’ll work out 5 days a week’. Of course, we all know the self-talk behind thoseresolutions are phrases like; ‘You have bad eating habits’ or ‘You’re too heavy’ or ‘You’re lazy’ and worst ofall, ‘You’re not good enough’. The voice in my head can be so unkind, and I suspect the voice in your headmight be the same.THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 12

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Enough. Enough with this revolution we begin against ourselves every January. Instead, we quiet the voice ofthese resolutions and work to find ways to love ourselves and take care of ourselves. Self care. Every. Single.Day. It’s a journey, not an assault on ourselves in January followed by feelings of failure in February.Consider this - If we made/make resolutions about our businesses, we would have a long-term plan. Wewouldn’t make a bunch of radical changes in January and then give up on everything if it wasn’t sustainable in afew weeks. Now, I’m not saying that radical changes aren’t sometimes necessary and sustainable. I’m simply saying thatchange is challenging. It requires daily work, patience, kindness, understanding and dare I say, even peace.Instead of resolutions, I wrote down 3 goals each for my professional life and for my personal life. I surprisedmyself when I noticed the word ‘balance’ in every goal. Not much analysis required to see what is missing in mylife. And so, that is what I will work towards. Balance. And I will trip and stumble and fail along the way but I willalso steady myself, rise and succeed. Much like the graceful ice skater performing a simple spiral - they steadythemselves, find balance and then gracefully extend their leg behind them. It’s a thing of beauty and it requireshard work and patience.This January, I hope you join me in ending the revolutions against ourselves. I hope you seek - and seize - theopportunities available to you in your personal and professional lives, and I hope 2024 brings you love, joy,success and peace … and maybe a few luxurious sleep-ins too!RESOLUTION OR REVOLUTION? CONTINUEDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 13

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EDMONTON (CENTRAL)Asking Price $1,150,000Start-up unit, fully operational(Vendor financing available @3.95%)DESCRIPTION OF THE PRACTICE AND DETAILSOperatories: • There are currently 6 operatories/chairs (plumbed for 2 more)• The clinic is very spacious and is separated well into working areas.• The clinic is in NEW condition.• Staff room, lab and doctor’s office areas are present.• A large doctor's office is also present.Type: • General Practice or Specialty• Highend Leaseholds and Equipment• Not a working practice currently• Digital equipmentLocation: • Edmonton Whyte Ave (Central)• Retail 3rd floorPremises: • Term - Open to negotiation• Renewal option - Open to negotiation• Base Lease rates - Negotiable• Leased area - 2900 sq ft• Bonus - 10 free months of rent, the months of your choosingFinancing: Vendor financing available @3.95%FEATURED LISTING

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The  trend  toward  personalizedtreatment plans not only aligns witha shift toward preventive care but isalso intricately  linked to  unveilingthe human genome.With  the  unmasking  of  the  humangenome, dentistry  is  witnessing arevolution  in  the  prevention,diagnosis,  and  management  ofcraniofacial,  oral,  and  dentaldiseases.
Understanding  hereditary  factorscontributing  to  caries,  periodontaldisease,  and  oral  cancer  isreshaping patient care  paradigms,as  integral  members  of  thehealthcare  ecosystem  should  beprepared  to  discuss  geneticfactors,  testing,  and  susceptibilityto  dental  disorders  with  theirpatients.4.  3D  Printing  in  Dentistry:Financial  Efficiency  andPatient SatisfactionContinuedT H E   6   P R E D I C T E D   D E N T I S T R Y   T R E N D S   T O   L O O K   O U T   F O R   I N   2 0 2 4 BY MOHAMED ISMAIL, CPA, CGASHIFT ACCOUNTING FOUNDERAs we set our sights on 2024, let'sdelve  into  the  top dentistry  trends,offering practice owners a glimpseinto the strategic foresight requiredto  steer  their  businesses  towardsuccess.
1. AI in DentistryAI  in  Diagnostics:  Precisionand Financial Efficiency AI-powered  diagnostics are  at  theforefront of advancing patient care.From  early  detection  to      accurateanalysis,  the  financial  implicationsare  as  significant  as  the  clinicalbenefits.AI in Scheduling: StreamliningOperations for Financial GainsAutomating  scheduling  processesthrough AI enhances efficiency andcontributes  to  cost  savings  andimproved patient experience.AI  in  Operating  ProcedureManuals:  EnhancingCompliance and EfficiencyAI  is  pivotal  in  creating  andupdating  operating  proceduremanuals, ensuring compliance and
streamlining  workflow.  Fromregulatory  adherence  to  optimizingday-to-day procedures.2.  The  Staffing  Dilemma:  APersistent ChallengeIn  the  ever-evolving  world  ofdentistry,  one  of  the  prominenttrends  shaping  the  landscape  of2024 is the persistent challenge ofstaffing  issues.  Practice  ownersfind  themselves  at  the  crossroads,compelled  to  be  creative  andstrategic  in  addressing  workforceshortages.  The  solution  emergingon the horizon involves a paradigmshift—leveraging  remote  andoffshore  workers  to  meet  thedemands  of  dental  practices.  Thistrend is not only a response to theshortage of on-site staff but also astrategic  move  towards  flexibility,cost-effectiveness, and access to aglobal talent pool.3.  Personalized  TreatmentPlans:  Preventive  Care  andGenomic Insights

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The 3D printing trend, a stalwart in the dental industry, is poised for an even more significant role in 2024. Theevolution continues as more clinics are expected to facilitate in-house 3D printers for lab fabrications, such as creatingretainers and nightguards.As we look ahead to 2024, the trend underscores the continued relevance of 3D printing. It reflects a strategic movetowards enhancing patient care. In-house fabrication of these dental appliances allows for quicker turnaround times,precise customization, and an overall improvement in the patient experience. 5. Decrease in Dental Practice Consolidations in 2024 As the dental industry charts its course into 2024, a notable trend on the horizon is the anticipated decrease in dentalpractice consolidations or Dental Service Organization (DSO) purchases. This shift is attributed to the prevailingeconomic landscape with higher interest rates. While the decrease in consolidations may alter the growth trajectory for some, it also presents an opportunity forpractice owners to fortify their financial foundations and embrace long-term stability strategies. 6. Dentistry's Resilience Amid Economic Challenges While global economic dynamics may present fluctuations, dentistry stands resilient, charting a steadfast upwardtrajectory that underscores its enduring success. Patients steadfastly prioritize their oral health amid economicchallenges. This commitment assures the maintenance of practice revenue, allowing for the potential for growth aspatients continue to invest in elective and preventative dental procedures. Practice owners are encouraged to approach these predictions as valuable considerations for strategic planning ratherthan certainties. The intent is to equip dental practices with insights that aid in thoughtful decision-making, resourceallocation, and adaptation to potential shifts, ensuring they are well-prepared for various scenarios.AN UNOFFICIAL RECESSION IN THE DENTAL WORLDCONTINUEDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 18 The  3D  printing  trend,  a  stalwart  in  the  dental  industry,  is  poised  for  an  even  more  significant  role  in  2024.  Theevolution continues as more clinics are expected to facilitate in-house 3D printers for lab fabrications, such as creatingretainers and nightguards.As we look ahead to 2024, the trend underscores the continued relevance of 3D printing. It reflects a strategic movetowards enhancing patient care. In-house fabrication of these dental appliances allows for quicker turnaround times,precise customization, and an overall improvement in the patient experience.
5. Decrease in Dental Practice Consolidations in 2024
As the dental industry charts its course into 2024, a notable trend on the horizon is the anticipated decrease in dentalpractice  consolidations  or  Dental  Service  Organization  (DSO)  purchases.  This  shift  is  attributed  to  the  prevailingeconomic landscape with higher interest rates.
While the decrease  in consolidations  may  alter  the  growth trajectory  for  some,  it also  presents an  opportunity forpractice owners to fortify their financial foundations and embrace long-term stability strategies.
6. Dentistry's Resilience Amid Economic Challenges
While  global  economic  dynamics  may  present  fluctuations,  dentistry  stands  resilient,  charting  a  steadfast  upwardtrajectory that  underscores  its  enduring success.  Patients  steadfastly  prioritize their oral  health amid  economicchallenges. This commitment assures the maintenance of practice revenue, allowing for the potential for growth aspatients continue to invest in elective and preventative dental procedures.
Practice owners are encouraged to approach these predictions as valuable considerations for strategic planning ratherthan certainties. The intent is to equip dental practices with insights that aid in thoughtful decision-making, resourceallocation, and adaptation to potential shifts, ensuring they are well-prepared for various scenarios.THE  6  PREDICTED  DENTISTRY  TRENDS  TO  LOOK  OUT  FOR  IN  2024CONTINUEDTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 17

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Darren Shanahan,Darren Shanahan,CEO & FounderCEO & FounderCorinne MarkCorinne MarkLéoLéo MorrisonMorrisonAngiAngiMcGarryMcGarryMEET THE TEAM AT AVAIL:Western Canada's Leading Dental BrokerJessie McCrackenAndrewJonesSaraSaraTrennTrennComing Soon!Coming Soon!LoriLori WilliamWilliam National Ortho RepNational Ortho Rep1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245)

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T H E   B U S I N E S S   O F   D E N T I S T R Y   H A S   C H A N G E DBY LORI WILLIAMQ4 2023  granted our  consultants the pleasure  of covering  a significant portion  of our  greatcountry of Canada with travels. Regardless if we were in Toronto, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Calgaryor  Montreal,  the  message  from  clients  was  fascinatingly  similar;  “I  wish  I  studied  business  inschool to have a better understanding of how to run a business verses only being a clinician and<<fill in the blank on specific procedure>>. Dentistry? That’s the easy part.” This week someoneshared;  “After 15 years of practicing  dentistry,  I  now  accept  I  need more training on  running  abusiness, as this profession is now running me.”More and more Doctors are finally coming to terms with the reality that the business of dentistryhas changed and  the demands  of patients and  the team are  constantly increasing. The  ripplescreated from the staffing shortages, the competitive market, and the pending recession have hadan impact on our profession. In short, doing business is harder than ever.As a business owner, you have four choices;Do nothing and hope you survive until change passes you by and normal returns.1.Fear change and design mechanisms you hope will stop or prevent it.2.Waste energy trying to predict the future and plan the one big move to beat it.3.Or, accept your new reality and develop a flexible strategy that allows you to define success,create your own future, and reshape your business.4.ContinuedTHE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 19

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T H E   B U S I N E S S   O F   D E N T I S T R Y   H A S   C H A N G E D   C O N T I N U E DWe  have  witnessed  one  of  our  department  stores,  Sears  Canada,  closing  their  doors  in  2018after opening in 1953. At the same time, we have all watched, and  helped I’m sure, theircompetitor  Walmart  increase  sales  and  dominate  the  market  place  with  their  “Low  PriceGuarantee.”I am not suggesting you  need to run  your business to  parallel Walmart’s discount  pricingbusiness  model,  however,  are  you  challenging  yourself  to  ensure  your  image  and  valueproposition is aligned with your market and ideal patient? Are you thinking outside your comfortzone, considering some direct to consumer marketing, evaluating ways to differentiate you andyour team from competition, or working hard to earning the right to ask your existing patients fora referral?As much  as  your  practice demands  change,  so  have  the  Practice  Management consultingservices we provide needed to evolve and adapt to your needs to ensure we are aligned with thedirection you want to take your practice.Call today for a complimentary consultation to discuss your business in more detail and how wecan help with the ever-changing demands you face every day. Alternatively, register for PalmSprings Health and Wellness event in February and we can chat poolside!THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINE  | 20

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YOUR TRUSTED INDUSTRY PARTNERDid you know that for over 2 decades, our Founder, Darren Shanahan, hasbeen in the dental industry as the "go-to" for other industry professionalsand leaders? Every phone call that comes into our office is about a dental or healthcareclinic. We don't work in any other industry.We provide owners with a "firewall" to protect them from all of the pitfallswe know are out there throughout a transaction because we know how toprepare the deal and navigate the waters. We're here for you.Meet Our TeamDarren ShanahanCEO & FounderYvette ShanahanCo-FounderLogan ReynoldsTransaction SpecialistJennifer LarocqueTransaction ManagerMorgan MinkusTransaction SpecialistQuestions?Call 1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245) orvisit:

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THE DENTAL DESK MAGAZINEB Y A V A I L D E N T A L E X I T A D V I S O R Y S E R V I C E SThe Dental Desk Magazine runs on a monthly basis to keepstakeholders in the dental industry in the loop.Avail Dental Exit Advisory ServicesProudly Serving Western Canada (Alberta,B.C. & Saskatchewan)1-866-Go-Avail (1-866-462-8245)www.AvailDentalAdvice.comFebruary 2024 Come back for Issue #18 which will reveal industryinsights, predictions and trends for Q1 2024.